Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Middag Almal

My vriendin, Pou Veer, op Facebook hierdie geplaas.  Ek het dit net so gecopy en gepaste.  Dit is so interessant dat almal dit behoort te lees.

Wat het nou eintlik in die VSA gebeur dat Pallo Jordan destyds nie sy BA graad klaargemaak het nie? Paul Mattison (Sunday Times v 10.8.14) skryf die volgende:
"When Dr AC Jordan was offered a post at the University of Madison in Wisconsin in the US, his son, Pallo, joined him and became a successful student, accumulating 97 credits towards his degree. In the turbulent year 1965, Madison was a fairly radical university, and what derailed Pallo was his participation in the first wave of protests against the Vietnam War. US immigration authorities stepped in and took his visa. American intelligence was active on left-wing US campuses, especially those where foreigners were enrolled and vulnerable. Some were approached to spy. Trying to stay illegally was not an option."
Sy visum is dus in 1965 gekanselleer. (Matisonn is 'n vriend van Jordan en skrywer van die boek "God, Spies and Lies: How Journalists and Politicians Fought South Africa’s War of Ideas" wat binnekort publiseer word. Mens kan dus verwag dat hy sy feite kontroleer het.)
Verashni Pillay ("Do newspapers hate black people?, Mail & Guardian, 5.8.2014) sê weer die volgende met verwysing na Pallo se ma se biografie:
"In Pallo Jordan’s case on the other hand, it is not clear why he did not finish a degree at any of the universities mentioned in his biography. However his mother too, Phyllis Ntantala, casts a strange light on that time. In her book A Life’s Mosaic she describes how her son was “endorsed out” of the New School for Social Research in New York, where he was enrolled for a master’s degree, according to the Sunday Times. She wrote of Jordan: “Then about the middle of November [1966], he received a letter from immigration telling him to be out of the country by the end of the month, as the purpose for which he had entered the US had been accomplished and he was prolonging his stay unnecessarily.”
Die vraag is dus: Hoe sou Pallo toelating vir ‘n meestersgraad gekry het as sy BA nie klaar was nie? En wanneer is sy visa gekanseleer: in 1965 of eers teen die einde van 1966?
Volgens die oorspronklike berig wat die bom laat bars het ("Pallo Jordan's phantom doctorate" Times, 4.8.14) het die betrokke universiteit die volgende bevestig:
"The office of the student services registrar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison confirmed that Jordan did study there, making this claim on his CV technically true. But he obtained only 97 credits between September 16 1963 and February 24 1964 and never completed his degree. The university's records for degrees under Jordan's name returned "none"."
Daarvolgens het Jordan vir die grootste deel van 1964 glad nie studeer nie en in 1965 ook nie. Of beteken dit dat hy eventueel tog studeer het, maar krediet gekry het vir die vakke nie omdat hy by die proteste betrokke was? Daar is in elk geval heelwat dinge waarop meer lig gewerp kan word vir duidelikheid oor presies wat gebeur het.

Dis al vir nou

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